
My name is Xiaorui

People call me




I grew up in Beijing, China, and went to Israel for college. After four years of study at the best University in “the state of innovation,” I got my BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering with a Summa Cum Laude honor. At Technion, I laid a solid foundation in robotics design, control and dynamics. I am currently a full-time master student at Johns Hopkins University. My study and research focus on medical robotics, computer vision, and deep learning.


Johns Hopkins University

Master of Science in Robotics

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Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Bachlor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

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Beijing Bayi High School

Senior High School


Beijing National Day School

Junior High School


ACDC Challenge

Medical Image Analysis

In this project, we created an automatic pipeline consisting of segmentation and cardiac disease classification to tackle the “Automatic Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge” (ACDC) using the deep learning method. We evaluated the performance of three UNet like models, and the best one was used to participate in the ACDC segmentation challenge. Dynamic and instant features were extracted using the segmentation result, and an ensemble of MLP and random forest classifiers were trained to do the diagnosis challenge.

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Surgical Tool Tracking

Computer Vision

In this project, I developed a surgical tool tracking software to evaluate the tremor reduction in robotic micro laryngeal surgical procedures on cadaveric phantoms. Using OpenCV CSRT tracker, template matching and traditional image processing techniques, automated tracking is achieved on surgical tools and background objects.

More to come


Automated COVID-19 Test Tube Organizer


In this project, I helped to create an automated COVID-19 test tube sorting and organizing robot that effectively increased COVID-19 testing speed at selected labs in Israel. I programmed Arduino and X-Y table to send the tube tray to the right location, communicating and coordinating with the sorting mechanism to help putting the test tubes into desired rack locations. I helped to build the cutting mechanism that cut open the sealed packing bags of the tubes.

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Robotics Class Projects

ROS Simulation

As a robotics major student, I am familiar with ROS environment, C++, and MATLAB. The class projects I have worked includes:
1. UR5 Move and place task with resolved-rate control.
2. UR5 Hand-eye calibration.
3. UR5 Probabilistic Road Map path planner for collision-free motions.
4. Use Extened Kalman Filter to estimate the location of a mobile robot on a simulated rugged terrain.(Gazebo enviroment)
5. Implement beam sensor model and odometry motion model of a particle filter. (Simulation of a Husky robot being teleoperated in an outdoor enviroment)


Medical Robotics Class Project

Medical robotics

In the class Computer Integrated Surgical, I had experience with 3D calibration(Distortion Calibration, Pivot Calibration) and 3D registration (ICP) using electromagnetic tracking system, and optical tracking system.


About me

Robotics Student

I am a Robotics MSE student at Johns Hopkins University, with concentration in Medical Robotics, Computer Vision and Machine Learning. I have always been keen into robotics, getting involved in the significant era of robotics and making my own contribution is a dream come true for me.

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2001 West Cold Spring Lane,Baltimore,MD